Saturday, January 22, 2011

Leadership Transformation

Journal 2-5

Leadership Transformation

I. In last week's journal I stated that my mission for this week would be to take a look at the current Leadership website and analyze it for myself.
Some things I like about the website:
-that there are a lot of pictures on the home page
-that the website is easy to navigate
-that the home page is mainly black, it makes it look very bold
Some things I would change:
-include other pictures on the home page instead of just the class of 2013
-change the fonts, they're all very boring
-edit the mission statement and program goals to fit the "new ideas" about Leadership

2010 March :: Mitchell Kapor Foundation Weblog. (n.d.). Mitchell Kapor Foundation Weblog. Retrieved January 22, 2011, from

II. We spent some of last week and the beginning of this week discussing what we currently think about the Leadership program. After accumulating all the student input, it was decided that:
-Leadership needs more international relations
-Leadership needs bigger/more service projects that are more beneficial to the community
-all 200 Leadership kids need to have a lock-in, promoting bonding between grade levels
-Leadership needs to involve the rest of the school, as well as interact with it
-there needs to be more sex appeal to the Leadership program
-Leadership and International Relations needs a shortened name
-the Leadership council needs to be expanded to include more individuals
We thoroughly discussed the changes that could be made to our program, recieving all kinds of useful input. There is now an "idea wall" set up in the quad so we can begin our transformation. Also this week we looked at a case study regarding a college "study group" in which students basically trade work for friendship. Finally, we looked at a document that introduced us to the Golden Rule, as well as many other rules that are considered ethical.

My personal thoughts regarding the transformation of Leadership are basically the same as the majority. The lock-in idea originated at my first period table, and it's my favorite suggestion. It would take a good bit of work to organize, considering we would have to find a location to hold the lock-in as well as set up chaperones. However I think it would be an awesome bonding experience for the kids in the center. My thoughts regarding the case study about "the file" are very negative. I think it's a ridiculous concept because not only do I view it as cheating, but also the "friends" that you gain from this group are fake friends. Friendship can not possibly be based off of a trade of work. That's not a good enough foundation. Also, if this group ever gets caught, they're really going to be in for some trouble. As for the Golden Rule packet, I thought it was very interesting to be introduced to the other "metal rules", shall we say. First of all I had no idea that any of them existed. While I don't fully understand some of them, I think each one holds it's own different values.

Mendoza, G. (n.d.). Leadership Development « Clayton Early Learning. Clayton Early Learning. Retrieved January 22, 2011, from

Something that we didn't touch on too much in class is how we're going to involve the rest of the school in the Leadership Center. I definitely think it's something that needs to be done, and it was briefly mentioned in class, but there wasn't too much discussion about it. I know from personal experience that most people show no respect to the program. I've heard remarks like "the Leadership cult" and "you only got into that club because you're in leadership" and "the leadership kids think they're better than everyone". Hearing things like this tends to take away the pride of being in the program. Somehow we need to establish an understanding with the rest of the school, getting them involved in our endeavors.

this one was an experiment: creating the gold color and using the thck acrylic flat brush in callgraphy style - Essentials Cafe. (n.d.). Essentials Cafe. Retrieved January 22, 2011, from

III. How can the Leadership website be improved? For next week's class I want to research ways of giving a website more pizazz. I'll come up with new ideas for the Leadership website that will draw more attention to it.

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