Monday, January 17, 2011


Journal 2-4


I. In my last journal I decided I wanted to do some research on two very similar cereal brands (Kellogg's and General Mills), to see what persuades customers to buy one or the other. Here's what I found: >> This website has nutritional facts for a variety of Post, Kellogg's, Kashi and General Mills cereals. This research shows that General Mills makes 5 of the top 9 best cereals to eat, and Kellogg's only makes 1 of the 9. It also shows that General Mills makes 9 of the top 23 worst cereals to eat, while Kellogg's makes 10 of the 23. Based on this information, General Mills is the healthier choice. Other than this, I was not able to find much information dealing with the comparison of these two brands. Personally, in my house we prefer General Mills to Kellogg's, Post or Kashi.

Rose, S. R. (n.d.). LifeStyle Group. LifeStyle Group. Retrieved January 17, 2011, from

II. During the entire holiday season we worked on our midterm documentaries. We had to form a group, choose a topic, choose interviewees, get release forms signed, do filming, edit, make a trailer, and produce a final product. We were to create an ethical or unethical documentary that ranged anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes long. We could choose to use fallacies and loaded language, or avoid them. There was a requirement of at least 3 documentary making techniques such as: camera angles, phantom interviewing, behind-the-scenes work not shown in the film, etc. Once the final product was produced, it was turned in along with a written portion of the exam, in which we discussed the purpose, techniques and analysis of the documentary. We then viewed the documentaries in class so we could see what our peers came up with. When each group's documentary was viewed by the class, the group gave an oral presentation as well.


Personally I thought the documentary making project was a very positive experience. It provided an opportunity for extreme creativity. There was an endless amount of possibilites, basically. One of the biggest issues my group was faced with is that we made a poor decision with who we selected initially to be in the group. There was one member who made it particularly difficult for the rest of the group to function. That person was the owner of the computer on which we would do all of our editing. However she never seemed to be readily available to work with the group. This situation made for a very challenging editing process. Also, due to technological issues, she failed to turn the documentary in on time as well. This caused us to get points docked on our overall score. Besides the teammate issues, my group worked very well together and we had a blast. It was so much fun to do the filming, especially since we starred in parts of the documentary ourselves. I thoroughly enjoyed this project and I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

Ali., & 2010. (n.d.). List of Enlightening Documentaries: Watch for FREE Online | S. Ali Myers | S. Ali Myers | Holistic Metaphysician | Holistic Health & Metaphysics. Retrieved January 17, 2011, from

One thing that was briefly mentioned in class was the idea of using our documentaries outside of the classroom. Corey suggested that we perhaps make a documentary for the Leadership website, showing off what it's all about. I think that's a great idea. Now that we understand documentary techniques and we've had a chance to make our own, we have a good enough understanding to produce them for other topics. There are so many ways in which documentaries can be used. I definitely think it would be a good idea to see where else we can use them. Taking our skills beyond the classroom is one of the major goals of the Leadership program. Therefore we should consider ways in which we can use documentaries elsewhere. Not only can they provide the most honest information possible, but they're fun and fairly easy to make.

Free Documentaries (DocumentaryGuy) on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved January 17, 2011, from

III. At the end of this week's class we started talking about ways that we can improve the Leadership program. We discussed some ideas such as: going on international trips, shortening our name, doing broader and more commuity service, etc. For next week's blog I plan to take a look at our website and analyze it for myself. I'll go through every aspect of the website and provide my own feedback as to how we can improve it.

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