Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lost track of everything over spring break...

Journal 4-3

Lost track of everything over spring break...

I. In last week's journal I asked some questions about the grant proposal. I wanted to know what we're supposed to do with the money (if we recieve it) if we don't plan to continue on with our project once school gets out. Due to the fact that we have not met with our HIP groups since the last journal...I have absolutely no idea what the answer to this question is. I do remember the "grant guru" saying that the grant is good for a year and is basically non-binding. The question is still open for discussion though.

II. I have pretty much completely forgotten what we did in class the week before spring break. Honestly I'm not even sure if this journal is supposed to include that. None of the class was present (with exception to Gregory) on the last Friday before spring break. Therefore that was a four day week. I know that we got to take a look at what HIP part 4 looks like. It includes: expert reflections, marketing your project, and your edited grant proposal. We also watched more of the film called "Promises", a documentary featuring seven children who lived through the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We finished watching that film this week. Also this week we talked about the guy whose magic show Kaila and Adrienne went to. The last thing that happened this week was we recieved a handout about the World Community Grid. This is some program started by IBM to use technology to solve problems.

"Promises." World Religions Documentary Films - Hartley Film Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011.

I don't remember much of last week's class, as I already said. Therefore I can not accurately give any feedback. I've enjoyed the film "Promises" for the most part. I think it was very interesting that it was taken from the viewpoint of children. Although you would expect children to be innocent and not take sides, that wasn't the case here. We found that the children who had extremely religious families tended to be more extremist toward their side. The twins, however, came from a less religious family, and they weren't overly obsessed with their side of the conflict.  I thought that talking about the magician (David, I think his name was) was pretty cool. I wish I could have been there for that. I also think the World Community Grid is a pretty incredible thing. If i ever get my laptop fixed, I plan to go register it for that program.

"Today's Fast Company Assignment: Do Cancer Research in Your Sleep | Fast Company." - Where ideas and people meet | Fast Company. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.

Something that was breifly mentioned in class that I wanted to talk more about is the portion of the documentary where Faraj was crying because he was going to have to separate from the twins. He feared that as soon as B.Z. left, he would lose all communication with the twins. This basically ended up being the case. I thought it was really moving to see the true feelings Faraj had developed for his friends from "the other side". He was really passionate about their new friendship. I think that says a lot about the innocence of children. We're raised believing whatever our parents tell us to, for the most part. The children on both sides grow up knowing that they shouldn't associate with "the other side", so they miss out on valuable relationships. I upset me that when the filmmaker interviewed the kids two years later, we found out that Faraj and the twins failed to keep in touch.

"Main Negotiation Points between Israel and the Palestinian Authority for Sept. 2 Meeting in Washington |" Israel Seen Radio | English podcasts and blogs from Israel | Israel Seen News | Steve Ornstein Israel | Israeli News | Israeli culture | Israel Scene | Israel Entertainment | Israeli Travel | Israel Information | Israel Tours | Israel Newspapers | Israel . N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2011. <>.

III. For next week's journal I want to get some more information on B.Z. I didn't come up with very much when we did the background information so I want to research his life a little bit more.

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