Saturday, April 9, 2011

HIP takes off...

Journal 4-2

HIP takes off...

I. In last week's blog I asked the question: how much do cochlear implants cost? After doing research on the question, I found the answer to be...
-The total cost, including the implant, the surgical proceedure, and the post-operative rehabilitation, exceeds $40,000.

Cochlear Implants Fact Sheet. (n.d.). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | ASHA. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from
II. This week in class, we started talking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After doing some background information, I found that this conflict is between the Arab and Jewish populations living in Palestine under Ottoman/British rule. The key issues are: mutual recognition, borders, security, water rights, control of jerusalem, and legalities concerning refugees. Then we began watching a film called "Promises". It examines the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the perspectives of seven children living in Palestinian communities and Israeli Jerusalem. The maker of the film is a man named B.Z. Goldberg, who grew up in Israel and became interested in the conflicts there. Finally, at the end of the week we focused a lot on the Heroic Imagination Project, which is now taking off full force. On Friday we had a woman come talk to us about how to effectively write a grant, so that we can edit our rough drafts before we send them off.
FRONTLINE/WORLD . Israel - The Unexpected Candidate . Additional Resource . PBS. (n.d.). PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from
To be honest, I don't remember much about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from previous history or leadership classes so I am looking forward to our studies on the issue. I think this is going to be a really cool film, seeing as it comes from the perspective of little children who are living in the midst of conflict. I remember seeing the kids on the bus saying "we never know when a bomb might go off" or "we have to watch for suspicious people". That's highly upsetting that that's how they had to grow up. As for the Heroic Imagination Project, i'm officially very scared of it. The whole grant writing process is very complex and confusing, as well as building a social network. My group effectively split up the work so we got it done in a timely fashion, but there is still a lot to be done. We have a lot of editing to do and corrections to be made. I really enjoyed having the "grant guru" come talk to us though. That was a cool experience.
ISFD hosts grant writing workshop Jan. 21-23 > UTSA Today > University of Texas at San Antonio. (n.d.). Welcome to The University of Texas at San Antonio | UTSA. Retrieved April 9, 2011, from
I think one of the interesting points that was brought up in class was Michael Trentham's question: "So what do we do with the money from the grant if we're not going to recieve it until summer?" This question didn't seem to be taken particularly seriously and was kind of brushed off as being unimportant. I think this is a very valid point, however, because what if we choose not to continue our project past this class? I'm not saying my group necessarily plans on abandoning our project as soon as we leave ethics class...but what if we do? What do we do with the grant if we don't want to continue with the project? I know the "grant guru" commented on this, saying that the grant is good for a year and is basically non-binding. However, I still don't really understand what we will do with it if we actually recieve it and don't need it anymore at that point. I think we should seriously talk about this a little more in class before we send off these grants. That is just my honest opinion/concern.
III. For next week's class I want to know the answer to my questions in the above paragraph. I want to find out what exactly should be done with a grant if we recieve it and decide we don't need it. Hopefully I can get this question answered somehow.

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