Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Difficult Journal

Journal 1-7

The Difficult Journal

At the end of last week's class I wanted to know more about Mormons. We had researched the state of Utah and found that the population is primarily Mormon. Here's what I found out about Mormons:

Joseph Smith, president of the church, said: "The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the apostles and prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it." However they believe in different additional scriptures to the bible, and continuing revelation through prophets and apostles.

source: Mormons. (n.d.). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . Retrieved November 2, 2010, from http://lds.org/topic/mormons/

Joseph Smith
source: Joseph Smith - Mormonism Photo (344391) - Fanpop. (n.d.). Fanpop - Fan clubs for everything. What are you a fan of?. Retrieved November 2, 2010, from http://www.fanpop.com/spots/mormonism/images/344391/title/joseph-smith-photo


source: PolishAbinadi. (n.d.). YouTube - truth about mormons( secrets), What they won't tell you . YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved November 2, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-aSq4xoXTQ&feature=related

This week is going to be a little bit difficult to write a journal entry about. On Wednesday I wasn't in class, but I was told that the projector broke and we didn't have class that day anyway. I was also absent from most of class on Thursday. I was only present long enough to catch about five minutes of the video. So I will do my best to discuss what actually DID happen in the three days of class that I witnessed. We continued to watch the documentary called "Divided State", which deals with the controversy over Michael Moore speaking at UVSC. There were obviously two different viewpoints reguarding this issue. The people that supported Michael Moore speaking at the college did so with respect to our freedom of speech. The ones who were opposed to Michael Moore speaking believed that he was going against their personal values and those of the state of Utah.One guy even offered to pay the amount of money that was spent on all the tickets, just to keep Michael Moore from coming. Personally I agree with the people that wished to allow Michael Moore's freedom of speech. There is no reason he shouldn't be allowed to express his viewpoint, especially when he has as many supporters as he does. In the end, he ended up giving his speech at the college campus. There were only two protestors shown, who were ejected from the premisis. Other than that nothing crazy happened, and the Michael Moore supporters were satisfied with what he had to say.

III. For next week's class I want to know more about the election that took place today, Tuesday November 2. I plan to research the candidates and the results of the election.

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