Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dare to dream, change your world.

Journal 3-5

Dare to dream, change your world.

I. In the last normal journal that we did, I said that I wanted to research information regarding our Heroic Imagination project of choice. My group hasn't officially made a decision yet, but our temporary choice was Soles for Souls. This is an existing program that provides shoes to the shoeless.
The organization's website is:
The organization is based in Nashville and their purpose is to collect shoes from the warehouses of footwear companies, and distribute them to people in need. They have given away nearly 12 million pairs of shoes to people in over 125 countries.

Crystal. "Soles 4 Souls |" N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2011.

II. This week in class we did background information on the Rwandan Genocide, then began watching a film called "Ghosts of Rwanda". The film goes kind of behind the scenes of the Rwandan Genocide, allowing us to hear interviews with people who were directly involved. It reveals the attitude of various different leaders or groups that were part of the terror. At the end of the week we met again with the freshman class to work on our Heroic Imagination projects. We had a guest speaker who helped us to organize our thoughts and start the planning for carrying out our projects.

"Remembering Rwanda." UNA-USA Greater Chicago Chapter. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2011.

My group chose Soles for Souls, an already existing organization, as our temporary project focus. We aren't entirely sure, however, that we want to use this choice. As for right now, the idea is "In order to uplift souls, we will provide soles". The World's need for shoes also includes a need for comfort and protection. Our service will provide shoes from a shoe drive to the people in need. Our process will include: 1) determine who is most deserving, 2) have a shoe drive, 3) repair worn out shoes, 4) distribute shoes, 5) watch souls be uplifted. We're excited to start the process and find out where it will take us!

A connection to something that we haven't discussed in class would be the similarities between the Rwandan Genocide, and the other most well known genocide, the Holocaust. In the Rwandan Genocide, the victims came from an African American ethnic group. In the Holocaust, the victims were people of the Jewish faith. In both cases, innocent people were killed by the hundreds for their way of life. The bodies of the deceased weren't respectfully taken care of, and those who were still alive had to be witnesses to the horror.

time, that, and he had walked over one thousand miles in search of safe refuge.. "Fieldstone Middle School ." Montvale Home page. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2011.'s%20Day%20-%20April%2016,%202009/Speaker%20Biographies%204-16-09.htm.

III. For next week's journal I want to do a comparison chart between the Rwandan Genocide and the Holocaust. I'm curious to see how the actual statistics for number of deaths and speed of the process compare. Also, i'll compare how many people were doing the murdering in each event.

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