Sunday, October 24, 2010

And the politics continue...

Journal 1-6

And the politics continue...

I. Last week I wanted to know who would win the election between Chuck Robb and Oliver North. To my surprise, Chuck Robb won. This statement from "The Perfect Candidate" basically says it all.
Basically America just didn't trust Oliver North as much as they trusted Chuck Robb, because of Oliver North's involvement in Iran-Contra and other scandals. Chuck Robb had an effective method of appealing to the people, and it won him the election.

source: WickDahdams. (n.d.). YouTube - Chuck Robb OWNS Ollie North . YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved October 24, 2010, from

II. This week in class we first finished watching "The Percect Candidate". As mentioned above, Chuck Robb won the election. This wasn't exactly what I expected. However, that might be due to the fact that much more of Oliver North's campaign was revealed to us than Chuck Robb's. I didn't have the chance to be unbiased because most of the film was focused on Oliver North. Next we spent a class period analyzing the film, like we have done with every other one. We discussed how politics are basically evil and full of lies. Also we talked about negative campaigning being more effective than positive campaigning because it is more noticeable. However it is also unethical because it is intentionally bringing down another candidate. We discussed the role of campaign managers as well. At the end of the film, North's campaign manager was expressing his anger when they lost the election. It's an extremely difficult and tedious job. Personally it's a role that I would never even dream of taking on. I'm not very big on politics and I wouldn't want to put forth that kind of time.

source: Saying Cartoons and Comics. (n.d.). CartoonStock - Cartoon Pictures, Political Cartoons, Animations.. Retrieved October 24, 2010, from

For the second half of the week we started discussing our next film, "Divided State". We researched the state of Utah, discovering that the population is 92% white, and the dominant religion is mormon. The political history is primarily Republican. We also researched the 2004 presidential election between Bush (R), Kerry (D), and Nader (I). The biggest issue at the time was the War on Terror and foreign policy. Bush won the election.

source: Alter, L., & Toronto. (n.d.). You Are Where You Eat: Obesity Maps of North America : TreeHugger. TreeHugger. Retrieved October 24, 2010, from

At the very end of the week we started watching "Divided State", but we're not very far into it so i'll touch on that in next week's blog.

III. I want to know more about the Mormons of Utah. It's a random topic, but I had no idea the population was primarily Mormon until we researched it. Why are there so many Mormons there? Does that affect their political standpoint? What are some of the main beliefs of the Mormons?

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